Does Paying Loans Build Credit

Does Paying Loans Build Credit?

In today’s financial landscape, a fundamental question often asked by many Canadians is, “Does paying loans build credit?” This question is not surprising given the crucial role credit scores play in determining one’s financial future. If you’re seeking clarity on this matter, you’ve come to the right place. This article will demystify the relationship between loan repayment and credit building.

Understanding Credit Scores in Canada

A credit score is a three-digit number ranging from 300 to 900 that represents your creditworthiness. In Canada, this score plays a pivotal role when you apply for credit such as mortgages, loans, or credit cards. Landlords, employers, and insurance companies also occasionally review credit scores to assess risk levels.

Credit scores in Canada are primarily calculated by two credit bureaus: Equifax and TransUnion. These bureaus use a unique algorithm that considers a variety of factors, including your payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and types of credit used to formulate your credit score.

Let’s break down each of these elements:

  1. Payment History: This aspect, which makes up approximately 35% of your credit score, takes into account whether you pay your bills on time, including credit cards and loans.
  2. Amounts Owed: This accounts for around 30% of your score. It considers how much you owe and how much credit you have available.
  3. Length of Credit History: The longer you have had credit, the better it is for your score. This factor makes up about 15% of your score.
  4. New Credit: This includes recently opened accounts and recent credit inquiries, and it makes up 10% of your score.
  5. Types of Credit Used: This considers the different types of accounts you have, such as credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, and mortgages. It accounts for 10% of your score.

The Role of Loans in Building Credit

Now to answer the burning question, “Does paying loans build credit?” The unequivocal answer is: Yes.

Loans, whether they are personal, auto, student, or mortgage loans, form a substantial portion of your credit report. They are categorized as ‘installment credit.’ With installment credit, you borrow a set amount and repay it over a specified period through monthly payments.

Regular, timely loan repayments have a positive impact on your credit score, specifically on your payment history—the most heavily weighted factor in your credit score calculation. Each on-time payment signals to lenders your financial responsibility and trustworthiness, thereby enhancing your credit score.

Impact of Late or Missed Payments

However, just as on-time payments can bolster your credit score, late or missed payments can considerably tarnish it. If a payment is 30 days late, it can be reported to the credit bureaus, marking a significant blow to your credit score. Furthermore, this negative information stays on your Canadian credit report for at least six years, serving as a deterrent for future lenders.

Improving Your Credit Score Through Loan Repayments

Having established that paying loans can help build credit, it’s essential to look at some strategies you can adopt to maximize this advantage:

  1. Make Payments On Time: Make it a priority to pay all your loans by the due date. To avoid any accidental late payments, consider setting up automatic payments.
  2. Pay More Than the Minimum Due: While making minimum payments will keep you in good standing, paying more than the minimum due can reduce your total debt quicker. This move, in turn, leads to an improvement in your credit score.
  3. Keep the Balance Low: Strive to keep your credit utilization ratio—the percentage of your available credit that you’re using—as low as possible. A lower ratio is viewed more favorably by credit bureaus.
  4. Don’t Close Old Accounts: If you’ve finished paying off a loan, resist the urge to close the account hastily. An old account with a good history can be beneficial for your credit score.

Bottom Line

So, in response to “Does paying loans build credit?” For Canadians, the answer is a resounding yes! Consistent, on-time loan repayments are a viable and strategic path to a healthy credit score. The higher your credit score, the better your chances of receiving preferential interest rates, favorable loan terms, and other financial benefits. By understanding how your financial decisions impact your credit score, you can make informed choices that enhance your financial future.


Does the type of loan matter when building credit?

Yes, different types of loans impact your credit differently. Installment loans like mortgages and auto loans can potentially have a more favorable impact on your credit score than revolving credit like credit cards, mainly when managed properly.

How quickly can paying off loans improve my credit score?

Credit improvement doesn’t happen overnight. Making consistent, on-time payments over several months can gradually improve your credit score.

Will paying off my loan early improve my credit score?

Paying off a loan early can reduce your overall debt, which can positively impact your credit score. However, it’s crucial to maintain a mix of credit types and keep old accounts open to ensure a diverse credit portfolio.

What happens if I miss a loan payment?

If a payment is missed and is more than 30 days overdue, it can be reported to the credit bureaus and negatively impact your credit score. This derogatory mark can remain on your credit report for up to six years.

What other actions can I take to improve my credit score?

In addition to making timely loan payments, try to pay your bills on time, reduce the amount of debt you owe, and avoid applying for new credit unnecessarily. Maintaining a diverse mix of credit can also improve your score.

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